Overcoming Apathy

"Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me."
Psalm 42:7

Do you remember the crazy love you had for Christ when you first became a Christian?

Has busyness or hurt taken over causing you to neglect your relationship with Christ?

It's time to once again find the place where the deepest part of our soul meets the deep places of God. That aching inside of you may not be as much from the pain of your circumstance as it is from the ache of missing your First Love.

It's time to get our spiritual groove back!

Our Favorite Quotes:
There will be seasons when you lose your spiritual groove. It's a byproduct of the human condition.
Pay attention...don't drift! (Hebrews 2:1) Pay attention to what's going on in your heart.
We have to be quick to forgive and slow to offend. 
Busyness is not a spiritual gift. 
Praising Jesus will bridge the gap we have created. 

Let's Chat:
  • As Lisa Harper spoke about being a jaded traveler, she equates it to the bride and groom after "the honeymoon" phase. Have you settled into the comfort zone in your relationship with The Father?
  • Do you remember the intimacy you had with Christ when you were first saved? How can you regain that oneness with The Lord?
  • Stop and give me 10! Name 10 things that you love about Jesus!


  1. Ten things I love about Jesus..(not in any particular order) 1) His Grace. I see it all around me and it reminds me to give others grace. 2) His Mercy...I know that if I had to be held accountable for all my sins that I would be under hell, BUT HIS MERCY has shown me forgiveness time and time again and it teaches me to be more merciful with others especially my children. 3) His Unconditional Love. He puts no conditions on us to receive His love except to receive it. I find it easier to love people that have wronged me because of His Unconditional Love. 4) He has a sense of humor. Often I wonder why things happen the way they do and it makes me laugh knowing My God did that for me to make me smile and laugh. 5) He Loves to watch me Worship Him. In all that I do , He loves watching me worship Him the most and that makes me want to worship Him more. 6) His Provision. He has immensely blessed me and my family. I came from a very impoverished home as did my husband, but as we chose to obey Him with our finances He has blessed us tremendously. I dont say that we are rich with money but we are definitely rich in favor. 7) His Protection over me. Hind sight is always 20/20 but I look back at my life and know there are some parts where I shouldn't have made it out alive and He brought me through without a scratch. 8). He Restored me. I had fallen so far away that the only thing I could do was look up and He restored me back Him better than before. 9) He is my safe place. I have found that I can run to Him and cling to Him and I feel safe and secure. 10). He is my Father. My earthly dad hurt me pretty bad when he decided that his new family was more important that his blood family. I was a daddy's girl and I felt like I lost everything when I lost him. I tried to fill the void with a boyfriend and other things but nothing could fill it. It took a long time and sometimes it is still a work in progress to forgive my daddy i still love him deeply, but I know that my Heavenly Father will never leave or forsake me. I will never have to forgive Him for hurting me indeed it is the other way around me asking Him for forgiveness. He wraps His arms around me and swings me around and I can feel the love because He shed His blood for me so that I could be His daughter.
    Now I could go on and on about why I love Jesus , but it all boils down to because He first loved me.

  2. 10 things I love about Jesus –
    1. He is always available 24/7.
    2. He loves me the same today, yesterday and tomorrow.
    3. He is generous with His patience, love and grace.
    4. He made a spot for my beautiful daughter to be with Him in heaven.
    5. By His grace, I have a wonderful marriage to my best friend.
    6. He gave me another daughter I could love, cherish and adore some 14 years ago.
    7. He saw fit to give me a wonderful job that I love and get to use my giftings to serve Him.
    8. He has surrounded me with wonderful friends who lift me up, hold me accountable and love me right through it all.
    9. Despite a diagnosis of MS, He keeps me going every day.
    10. He gave me the two most precious grandchildren, Abigail and Sawyer.
    11. BONUS – Dan and I are SO VERY humbled and blessed to be pastors at Redfield Family Church.

  3. 10 Things I love about Jesus are:
    1- He allows me to fail so I can become stronger in him.
    2- He shows me each day that I can't make it a single day without him by my side.
    3- He still loves me even when I try to do things on my own before giving them to him to handle in the first place.
    4- He gives men peace in knowing that with everything I go through in life that he will never leave me or forsake me, as he has already been through them.
    5- His words "Be Still" calm me when I'm anxious.
    6- He is FAITHFUL!!
    7- He forgives and gives second chances.
    8- He alone is my provider and my joy is found in HIM!
    9- He has put such amazing people in my life that I am so thankful for. I love My Church family!
    10- He has blessed me with an amazing and loving family: My wonderful husband, 2 awesome kids and their spouses (that are my kids too) and even more awesome are the 4 amazing grandchildren He blessed me with.

  4. Ten things I love about Jesus: 1) He died just for me! 2) He loves me unconditionally...so hard to comprehend! 3) He is consistent. He does not change. 4) He protects me...even when I put myself in dangerous positions. 5) He keeps forgiving me...time and time again. 6) In my darkest days, His Spirit ministers to me. 7) He strengthens me to do things I never imagined I could ever do. 8) He created this beautiful world and I get to live in it. 8) He keeps choosing to use me even though I'm a hot mess. 9) He is gentle and loving when He corrects me. 10) He guides me through some really rough waters.

  5. what a fun question! i'm going to do this before i read any other comments lest i cheat off another person's list. :)
    1. He knows me and calls me by name
    2. while i was yet a sinner, He gave Himself up for me.
    3. He never changes. my moods can swing, but He is steady...always.
    4. He is creator of the universe and closer than my breath. He created billions of galaxies and numbers the hairs on my head. so HUGE yet so intimate.
    5. He lovingly leads me when i'm going crazy. He doesn't take me out of the fire, but walks through it with me. all the while reassuring me that i will come out on the other side.
    6. He has patience with me even while i am impatient with others. He is calm when i am irrational. He doesn't love me to the degree that i love Him or others. His love is unconditional - even when i am a toot head fred.
    7. most of the time, He only lights up a few feet of the path I need to take. He knows we are prone to wander - especially when we don't feel we "need" Him, so He holds the tether in hopes that we will tether ourselves to Him.
    8. free will - piggy backing on #7. He doesn't make me stay or obey. He says, if you love Me, you'll obey Me. and then waits.
    9. He is the alpha and omega - He has always been and will always be. it's nice to know that One thing will always remain and is not scared of where we are headed.
    10. He loves me. Oh how He loves me. me? yes, me.


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