Seeking the Lord

The cancer diagnosis took your breath away...

He left without saying good bye...

You had dreams for your child but the psychiatrist just painted you a different picture...

You've watched as life's waiting room has been emptied of everyone but you. You're ready to accomplish your dream but God says "not yet".

There are things that happen in our lives we simply do not understand. God doesn't always (make that rarely ever) moves in our timing or in the way we think He should. These times challenge our faith and beliefs in our loving God. Especially when we start comparing our circumstances to someone else's.

We must remember that God partners with us as we labor in this life. He works ALL things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) It may not feel that way at this very moment. Those may be the very last words you want to hear right now. Just remember you can count on His word to be the valley as well as on the mountain tops of life.

Our Favorite Quotes:
Compare leads to despair. Stay in your lane and cling to Jesus.
 Love is the only medicine potent enough to counter act the side effects of loss.

Let's Chat:
  • In thinking about a specific trial you’ve had (and only sharing details you are comfortable sharing), how did it affect you: did it steal your joy and make you begin to question promises such as Romans 8:28 - all things work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose? Did it cause you to dig in deeper, drawing nearer to God? Or did you find yourself somewhere in between?

  • Lisa Harper said, “Compare leads to despair.” She encouraged us to stop comparing our situations in life to those of others. She said, “We’ve got to run hard after Jesus in our own lanes. Stay in your lane, and cling to Jesus.” What does this look like practically? Where exactly is “your lane”? What does it look like to “cling to Jesus”?


  1. I did the Bible study Monday night and couldn't post yet , so I have walked through a lot of tough trials, as many of you probably have. I remember when my mom and dad divorced, walking through 5yrs of rebellion, being a single mom of two boys, many health concerns for me , my exhusband commited suicide, and i am currently walking through some unknowns at the moment where my health is concerned, I know in my head that God is there and He is control, but sometimes fear and doubt likes to creep in and i feel like i start all over with trusting God. As I look over my life, I see Gods hand in all of those situations. He had protected me , provided for me, and given me supernatural peace that I cannot explain. So why does my flesh fear and my heart doubt. I know He will walk with me through this and I will learn something along the way, I think that Satan knows God is trying to work in me , so he plants whispers of fear and doubt so I dont grasp what God wants me to learn. I have to stay strong in my Faith and realize I am NOT ALONE, no matter what satan tries to tell me. God has gotten me this far and regardless the outcome I am still going to believe that He is the Almighty God and I will only praise Him.

    1. I can so relate! I think that's one of the necessary reasons why we all need to stick together, encourage and support each other! Satan's only purpose is to tell us we are nothing, make us believe we are nothing and we know different! Hang in there my friend and we will win this battle together!

  2. It's crazy how each week's lesson specifically targets something that's going on in my life at that moment. We are currently walking through some things with one of our kids. Things that hit hard and deep. I can say that right now I am leaning my whole self over on God. (That hasn't always been the case in past circumstances.) I am walking through this day-by-day. I am digging deeper and letting Him wash me with His words. I know what He has promised even though I cannot really "see" it...that's pretty much what faith is, isn't it? But don't get me wrong, there are moments when anxiety and fear creep in. I lose my focus on God and I'm overcome with emotions. No matter how much faith you have, some things are just hard. They hurt. You have peace, but they still hurt. God knows that it hurts. He sees our hurt. He even collects our tears. And I love how He gently loves us, reassures us and patiently deals with us in those difficult times.

    Stay in your lane...yeah...that's a fun one. I connected with the video about the mother with an autistic son. Having a special needs kiddo brings on different challenges. It is easy to watch other parents enjoy their "normal" kid and get jealous. You scroll through social media seeing the pictures of all the things you realize your kid will never do. And at times it hurts. But then I remember how amazing my son is and how his different ways of thinking and living make him a wonderful person with 10 kinds of powerful potential. I look up to see that our "lane" is the fast lane to many wonderful things. God created him and he's going to do big things. But on the hard days...I absolutely have to cling to Jesus. It's not all sunshine and roses. Especially in middle school. :)

    1. I love you my friend! We are in this battle together. Hang in there - while it may not be sunshine and roses now, one day we shall see the brightest and most brilliant Son ever!

  3. Oh man, I’m coming late to the game this time around! This was such a good one. i wish i could say that when i got the wind knocked out of me with a particular trial that i immediately "counted it all joy" and dug deeper. unfortunately, it was not nearly that easy. I was gutted and it completely stole my joy. I’m thankful that I had people around me praying and it was obvious that some days I was carried only by their prayers. It wasn’t long before I began to dig deeper in Christ. I knew clinging to Him was the only way I was going to make it through the fire. I don’t think it matter what the trial has been, my human nature (and hopefully I’m not alone here) is to initially freak out a little. The what ifs and why questions aimed at God at first are numerous, but as I continue to spend time with Him they go away a little bit here and there until I’m beginning to draw nearer to Him. I wish it were easier and maybe one day my knee-jerk reaction will be to immediately draw nearer to Him. I hope that kind of maturity is this side of eternity.
    I love this picture of running hard in our own lanes. If we really would just fix our eyes on Jesus and run the race laid out for us, life would be simpler. we would still have trials but at least we wouldn't compound them by comparing our trials with others' trials. Comparison is a trap. We never know the full story of what it has taken in one person’s life to make the grass so green. Typically it is a whole lot of manure.

  4. I recall quite vividly writing these words on the tapestry at the ladies retreat – I WANT MY JOY BACK. Then I followed that up by writing myself a card, which was later mailed to me stating the same thing. I would like to say that God performed a miracle that weekend and I left the mountain with my joy, but that was not the case. What followed was a continuation of daily anguish, sadness, hurt, confusion and deep sorrow over the loss of my daughter. I know His promises and I cling to them. Some days I win, some I do not. But what this tragedy has done is cause me to dig deep. Deep into His word and prayer. When my mind begins to wonder on the what if’s or why’s – I run to His word and promises. My go to verse is Psalms 91:4 - He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. I know His promises never change and He has a purpose for my life! He has built a wall around me (my mind) and it is there that I find true joy and peace.
    I am happy to say the return of joy in my life has been a daily progression. I can truly say that I am far better now than I was a year ago. But because of His promises, I know that by this time next year I can look back and say WOW, look how far God has brought me!

  5. This was the most heart wrenching lesson—I think I bawled forever from the stories on the video and went right into my own personal losses and painful times. There truly is no hope except with Jesus. Only the knowledge that He loves me and He is in control working things out for my ultimate good makes life peaceful. I came to a saving knowledge of Jesus as a child, but I never realized how much He loved me until difficult times arrived and I realized that I was powerless (like I was ever in control!) and I had to let go and just completely trust God to handle my life. It seems basic, but sadly, it’s a lesson I have to relearn constantly.
    This bible study is a wonderful picture of how precious we are to God and how He is right there waiting for us to fellowship with Him. I can’t compare myself to others and I just need to stay on the path before me. Even in my most unlovely state, He tells me I am beautiful and special to Him. God is so worthy of all our praise!

    1. You are exactly right, Pam! There truly is no hope except with Jesus. It's in those difficult times or seasons of our lives that we have the opportunity to learn just how much He loves us. He loves us regardless of our failures and unbelief. He loves us!

  6. This lesson really hit home with me and I've cried my eyes out. I remember when my mom was diagnosed with cancer in May, 2015 and then a short time after, my dad became very sick. So for the first few months that followed her diagnosis, my sisters and I cared for mom and dad. It was a very tough time, and soon into it, I realized my joy was gone. I became less focused on Jesus and more focused on me and the situation I was being faced with. I began to wonder why I was going through this at this particular moment in my life, I wasn't prepared (but then again, are we ever prepared for devastation)? The 4 months that followed Mom's diagnosis were heart wrenching. Dad had Dementia as well as some other health issues and it was difficult to see his health decline. Dad is now in heaven with Jesus, free from Dementia and other health issues and he is my angel. Mom has finished chemo and she is cancer free today! Praise the Lord! It was the most difficult time in my life but I realized soon after that God was in control through everything. God has shown me that I have to trust in Him even when I don't understand why things are happening. Sometimes that is hard but I'm reminded of Isaiah 55:8 (For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord). I also have to continue to remind myself to press into God, to seek him daily and stay in my lane! I'm so glad that He never gives up on my because sometimes I'm just a hot mess! I need Jesus in my life each and every day. Thank you Lord for loving me and never giving up on me!

  7. So I'm really behind, but I'm here, doing my best to catch up. I actually started watching this video on Week 3, but stopped it as soon as I heard the word "loss". I'm tired of that word. I'm tired of the emotions. The hurt and pain. Tired of pretending to be something I'm not. Tired of frustrations. Tired of questions. I'm tired of the unknown.
    When we finally found Misty, the loss was so much deeper than I had ever felt before. Deeper than anything I had ever felt before, but somehow in those beginning weeks & months I felt everything "more". My heart was tender. I hurt with others more. I empathized with others who had also felt loss. I wanted (and believed) so desperately that God WOULD bring good out of this situation. But as time went by, answers never came. Justice never showed up. Almost 4 years later we still wait on a trail date. Just a date. Right now that's all I want. I haven't found God or his goodness in this evil act of murder and no justice. And it's hard to keep on having faith that He'll show up. There's a huge part of me that KNOWS He will, but there's enough of me that takes the abandonment that I feel and shuts everything down. There enough of it to cause me to want to protect my heart.. like Lisa read. Lock it in the coffin so it can be unbreakable. Hard.. the tenderness I once felt seems to have gone.


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